It's not your closet; it's YOU!
The truth is, your closet is a treasure trove of possibilities. But the way you're approaching it isn't allowing you to see that!
And it's holding you back from showing up as the ICON you know you are meant to BE!
You have more than enough available to you right now to begin creating kick-ass, inimitable outfits right effing now.
And I'm going to help you see that!
What it actually means to dress ICONICally and why it matters
The energetics of ICONIC outfits and how they can change how you show up, feel and what you attract into your life
The 5-step process that will turn your current closet from a wasteland of broken dreams... To a delish sanctuary of sacred adornment (le yum!). Think of it as a glitter-covered physical + energetic decluttering
The exclusive process for getting dressed in the morning that has revolutionized personal style, and been a game-changer for my private clients
Plus BONUS techniques to make it as easy as possible to optimize the shit out of what you have at your disposal now
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